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G(9 / 27)


dle, to toddle

dreigh, tedio, dull

droddu, the breech

drone, part of the bagpipe

droop-rupl&039;t, short-ruped

drouk, to wet, to drench

droukit, wetted

drouth, thirst

drouthy, thirsty

druken, drucken, drunken

drulie, uddy, turbid

druock, raw al and ld water

drunt, the huff

dry, thirsty

dub, puddle, ssh

duddie, ragd

duddies, di of duds, rags

duds, rags, clothes

dung, v dang

dunted, throbbed, beat

dunts, blows

durk, dirk

dht, phed or thrown down violently

dwallg, dwellg

dwalt, dwelt

dyke, a fence (of stone or turf), a wall

dyvor, a bankrupt

ear&039;, early

earn, eagle

eastl, eastern

e&039;e, eye

e&039;ebrie, eyebrow

een, eyes

e&039;en, even

e&039;en, eveng

e&039;en&039;, eveng

e&039;er, ever

eerie, apprehensive; spirg ghostly fear

eild, eld

eke, al

elbuck, elbow

eldritch, unearthly, haunted, fear

elekit, elected

ell (sts), thirty-seven ches

eller, elder

en&039;, end

eneugh, enough

enfauld, ld

enow, enough

erse, gaelic

ether-stane, adder-stone

ettle, ai

everair, everore

ev&039;n down, downright, positive

eydent, dilint

fa&039;, fall

fa&039;, lot, portion

fa&039;, to t; suit; ci

faddo&039;d, fathod

fae, foe

fae, foa

faiket, let off, exced

fa, fond, gd

faness, fondness

fair fa&039;, good befall! wele

fair, a present fro a fair

fallow, fellow

fa&039;n, fallen

fand, found

far-aff, far-off

farls, oat-cakes

fash, annoyance

fash, to trouble; worry

fash&039;d, fash&039;t, bothered; irked

fashio, trouble

fasten-e&039;en, fasten&039;s even (the eveng before lent)


