阅读历史 |

G(24 / 27)


tald, told

tane, one ntrast to other

tangs, tongs


tapetless, senseless

tapost, ost

tappet-hen, a crested hen-shaped bottle holdg three arts of


tap-pickle, the gra at the of the stalk

salteerie, sy-turvy

tar, to exae

tarrow, to tarry; to be rectant, to urur; to weary

tassie, a goblet

tauk, talk

tauld, told

tawie, tractable

tawpie, a foolish woan

tawted, atted

teats, sall antities

teen, vexation

tell&039;d, told

teper-p, a fiddle-peg; the regutg p of the spng-wheel

tent, heed

tent, to tend; to heed; to observe

tentie, watchful, careful, heedful

tentier, ore watchful

tentless, careless

tester, an old silver about sixpence vae

teugh, tough

teuk, took

thack, thatch; thack and rape = the verg of a hoe, and , ho


thae, those

thair, sall guts; catgut (a fiddle-strg)

theckit, thatched

thegither, tother

thick, v pack an&039; thick

thieveless, forbiddg, spiteful

thigg, beggg

thir, these

thirl&039;d, thrilled

thole, to endure; to suffer

thou&039;se, thou shalt

thowe, thaw

thowless, zy, eless

thrang, by; throngg crowds

thrang, a throng

thrapple, the dpipe

thrave, enty-four sheaves of rn

thraw, a ist

thraw, to ist; to turn; to thwart

thraws, throes

threap, ata, argue

three, trio

thretteen, thirteen

thretty, thirty

thrissle, thistle

thristed, thirsted

through, ak to through = ake good

throu&039;ther (through other), pell-ll

thuart, polecat

thy ne, alone

tight, girt, prepared

till, to

till&039;t, to it

tir, tiber, aterial

te, to lose; to be lost

tkler, tker

tt, lost

tippence, openc


