阅读历史 |

G(22 / 27)



snaw-broo, snow-brew (lted snow)

sned, to lop, to prune

sneesh ill, a snuff-box

snell, bitter, bitg

snick, a tch; snick-drag = scheg; he weel a snick can draw =

he is good at cheatg

snirtle, to snigr

snoods, fillets worn by aids

snool, to cr, to snub

snoove, to go slowly

snowkit, snuffed

dr, r, a ldier

nsie, nsy, pleasant, good-natured, jolly

o, to swi

or, ur

ugh, v sugh

uk, suck

upe, sup, liid

uple, supple

uter, bbler

wens, porrid of oat flour

wps, sups

wth, to hu or whistle a low tune

wther, to lder

spae, to foretell

spails, chips

spair, to spsh; to spatter

spak, spoke

spates, floods

spavie, the spav

spavit, spaved

spean, to wean

speat, a flood

speel, to clib

speer, spier, to ask

speet, to spit

spence, the parlor

spier v speer

spleuchan, pouch

splore, a frolic; a caroal

sprachl&039;d, cbered

sprattle, scrable

spreckled, speckled

sprg, a ick tune; a dance

sprittie, full of roots or sprouts (a kd of rh)

sprh, spruce

spunk, a atch; a spark; fire, spirit

spunkie, full of spirit

spunkie, lior, spirits

spunkies, jack-o&039;-nterns, will-o&039;-wisps

spurtle-bde, the pot-stick

satter, to fp

sattle, to sat; to settle

stacher, to totter

staggie, di of staig

staig, a young horse

stan&039;, stand

stane, stone

stan&039;t, stood

stang, stg

stank, a oat; a pond

stap, to s

stapple, a sper

stark, strong

starnies, di of starn, star

starns, stars

startle, to urse

staurel, half-witted

staw, a stall

staw, to surfeit; to sicken

staw, stole

stech, crag

steek, a stitch



