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the dean of faculty

a new bald

tune—“the dragon of wantley”

dire was the hate at old harw,

that st to st did carry;

and dire the disrd ngside saw

for beauteo, hapless ary:

but st to st ne&039;er t hot,

or were ore fury seen, sir,

than &039;ixt hal and bob for the fao job,

who should be the faculty&039;s dean, sir

this hal for ni, wit and lore,

aong the first was nuber&039;d;

but pio bob, &039;id learng&039;s store,

andnt the tenth reber&039;d:

yet siple bob the victory got,

and wan his heart&039;s desire,

which shews that heaven can boil the pot,

tho&039; the devil piss the fire

sire hal, besides, had this case

pretensions rather brassy;

for talents, to deserve a pce,

are alifications saucy

their worships of the faculty,

ite sick of rit&039;s rudeness,

chose one who should owe it all, d&039;ye see,

to their gratis grace and goodness

as once on pisgah purg&039;d was the sight

of a n of circucision,

ay be, on this pisgah height,

bob&039;s purbld ntal vision—

nay, bobby&039;s outh ay be opened yet,

till for eloence you hail hi,

and swear that he has the anl t

that t the ass of baa

your heretic ss ay you live and die,

ye heretic eight-and-tairty!

but aept, ye subli ajority,

y ngratutions hearty

with your honours, as with a certa kg,

your servants this is strikg,

the ore capacity they brg,

the ore they&039;re to your likg


