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O S H U A H H G(1 / 1)


o steer her up an&039; haud her gaun

o steer her up, an&039; haud her gaun,

her ither&039;s at the ill, jo;

an&039; g she na tak a an,

e&039;en let her tak her will, jo

first shore her wi&039; a ntle kiss,

and ca&039; anither gill, jo;

an&039; g she tak the thg aiss,

e&039;en let her flyte her fill, jo

o steer her up, an&039; be na bte,

an&039; g she tak it ill, jo,

then leave the ssie till her fate,

and ti nae nr spill, jo:

ne&039;er break your heart for ae rebute,

but thk upon it still, jo:

that g the ssie na do&039;t,

ye&039;ll fd anither will, jo


