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saw ye bonie lesley

o saw ye bonie lesley,

as she gaed o&039;er the border?

she&039;s gane, like alexander,

to spread her nests farther

to see her is to love her,

and love but her for ever;

for nature ade her what she is,

and never ade anither!

thou art a een, fair lesley,

thy subjects, we before thee;

thou art dive, fair lesley,

the hearts o&039; n adore thee

the deil he uld na scaith thee,

or aught that wad beng thee;

he&039;d look to thy bonie face,

and say—“i canna wrang thee!”

the powers aboon will tent thee,

isfortune sha&039;na steer thee;

thou&039;rt like theselves sae lovely,

that ill they&039;ll ne&039;er let near thee

return aga, fair lesley,

return to caledonie!

that we ay brag we hae a ss

there&039;s nane aga sae bonie


