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T O Sh(3 / 5)


ere drunken charlie brak&039;s neck-bane;

and thro&039; the whs, and by the cairn,

where hunters fand the urder&039;d bairn;

and near the thorn, aboon the well,

where ungo&039;s ither hang&039;d hersel&039;

before hi doon pours all his floods,

the doublg stor roars thro&039; the woods,

the lightngs fsh fro pole to pole,

near and ore near the thunders roll,

when, glirg thro&039; the groang trees,

kirk-alloway see&039;d a bleeze,

thro&039; ilka bore the beas were gncg,

and loud reunded irth and dancg

spirg bold john barleyrn!

what danrs thou canst ake srn!

wi&039; tippenny, we fear nae evil;

wi&039; abae, we&039;ll face the devil!

the swats sae rea&039;d taie&039;s noddle,

fair py, he car&039;d na deils a boddle,

but aggie stood, right sair astonish&039;d,

till, by the heel and hand adonish&039;d,

she ventur&039;d forward on the light;

and, wow! ta saw an un sight!

warlocks and witches a dance:

nae tillon, brent new frae france,

but hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys, and reels,

put life and ttle their heels

a nock-bunker the east,

there sat auld nick, shape o&039; beast;

a towzie tyke, bck, gri, and r,

to gie the ic was his char:

he screw&039;d the pipes and gart the skirl,

till roof and rafters a&039; did dirl—

ffs stood round, like open presses,

that shaw&039;d the dead their st dresses;

and (by devilish cantraip sleight)

each its cauld hand held a light

by which heroic ta was able

to note upon the haly table,

a urderer&039;s banes, gibbet-airns;

a span-ng, wee, unchristened bairns;

a thief, new-cutted frae a rape,

wi&039; his st gasp his gabudid gape;

five toahawks, wi&039; bde red-rted:

five sciitars, wi&039; urder crted;

a garter which a babe had s


