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T O Sh(1 / 5)


ta o&039; shanter

a tale

“of brownyis and of bogillis full is this buke”

ga dougs

when chapan billies leave the street,

and drouthy neibors, neibors, et;

as arket days are wearg te,

and folk beg to tak the gate,

while we sit bog at the nappy,

an&039; ttg fou and un happy,

we thk na on the ng sts iles,

the osses, waters, sps and stiles,

that lie beeen and our ha,

where sits our sulky, sullen da,

gatherg her brows like gatherg stor,

nursg her wrath to keep it war

this truth fand honest ta o&039; shanter,

as he frae ayr ae night did canter:

(auld ayr, wha ne&039;er a town surpasses,

for honest n and bonie sses)

o ta! had&039;st thou but been sae wise,

as taen thy a wife kate&039;s advice!

she tauld thee weel thou was a skel,

a bletherg, bsterg, drunken blel;

that frae noveber till october,

ae arket-day thou was na ber;

that ilka lder wi&039; the iller,

thou sat as ng as thou had siller;

that ev&039;ry naig was ca&039;d a shoe on

the sith and thee gat roar&039; fou on;

that at the lord&039;s hoe, ev&039;n on sunday,

thou drank wi&039; kirkton jean till onday,

she prophesied that te or on,

thou wad be found, deep drown&039;d doon,

or catch&039;d wi&039; warlocks the irk,

by alloway&039;s auld, haunted kirk

ah, ntle das! it gars greet,

to thk how ony unsels sweet,

how ony lengthen&039;d, sa advices,

the hband frae the wife despises!

but to our tale: ae arket night,

ta had got pnted un right,

fast by an gle, bleezg fely,

wi reag saats, that drank dively;

and at his elbow, uter johnie,

his ancient, trty, drougthy crony:

ta lo&039;ed hi like a very brither;

they had been fou for weeks thegither

the night drave on wi&039; sangs an&039; ct


