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e wad send the r youth,

to greet his eldest n

then up sprang bess o&039; annandale,

and a deadly aith she&039;s ta&039;en,

that she wad vote the border knight,

though she should vote her ne

“for far-off fowls hae feathers fair,

and fools o&039; chan are fa;

but i hae tried the border knight,

and i&039;ll try hi yet aga”

says bck joan frae crichton peel,

a carl stoor and gri

“the auld gudean or young gudean,

for ay sk or swi;

for fools will prate o&039; right or wrang,

while knaves ugh the to srn;

but the r&039;s friends hae bwn the best,

he shall bear the horn”

then whisky jean spak owre her drk,

“ye weel ken, kirs a&039;,

the auld gudean o&039; london urt,

his back&039;s been at the wa&039;;

“and ony a friend that kiss&039;d his caup

is now a freit wight;

but it&039;s ne&039;er be said o&039; whisky jean—

we&039;ll send the border knight”

then slow raise arjory o&039; the lochs,

and wrkled was her brow,

her ancient weed was rset gray,

her auld sts bid was true;

“there&039;s great folk set light by ,

i set as light by the;

but i will send to london town

wha i like best at ha”

sae how this ighty plea ay end,

nae ortal wight can tell;

god grant the kg and ilka an

ay look weel to hisel


