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S h R —A F(1 / 2)


sappho rediviv—a fragnt

by all i lov&039;d, neglected and fot,

no friendly face e&039;er lights y salid t;

shunn&039;d, hated, wrong&039;d, unpitied, unredrest,

the ock&039;d ation of the srner&039;s jest!

ev&039;n the poor support of y wretched life,

snatched by the violence of legal strife

oft grateful for y very daily bread

to those y faily&039;s once r bounty fed;

a wele ate at their holy fare,

y griefs, y woes, y sighs, y tears they share:

(their vulgar uls unlike the uls ref&039;d,

the fashioned arble of the polished d)

va would prudence, with dero sneer,

pot out a censurg world, and bid fear;

above the world, on gs of love, i rise—

i know its worst, and can that worst despise;

let prudence&039; direst bodents on fall,

[ontgor]y, rich reward, o&039;erpays the all!

ild zephyrs waft thee to life&039;s farthest shore,

nor thk of and y distress ore,—

falsehood aurst! no! still i beg a pce,

still near thy heart little, little trace:

for that dear trace the world i would resign:

o let live, and die, and thk it e!

“i burn, i burn, as when thro&039; ripen&039;d rn

by drivg ds the cracklg fs are borne;”

now ravg-wild, i curse that fatal night,

then bless the hour that char&039;d y guilty sight:

va the ws their feeble force oppose,

cha&039;d at love&039;s feet, they groan, his vanish&039;d foes

va religion ets y shrkg eye,

i dare not bat, but i turn and fly:

nscience va upbraids th&039; unhallow&039;d fire,

love grasps her srpions—stifled they expire!

rean drops headlong fro his sacred throne,

your dear idea reigns, and reigns alone;

each thought toxicated hoa yields,

and riots wanton forbidden fields

by all on high adorg ortals know!

by all the nscio vil fears below!

by your d


