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A T E h(2 / 2)


id w cries out &039;as jt!

wild beats y heart to trace your steps,

whose ancestors, days of yore,

thro&039; hostile ranks and ru&039;d gaps

old stia&039;s bloody lion bore:

ev&039;n i who sg rtic lore,

haply y sires have left their shed,

and fac&039;d gri danr&039;s loudest roar,

bold-follog where your fathers led!

eda! stia&039;s darlg seat!

all hail thy paces and tow&039;rs;

where once, beneath a onarch&039;s feet,

sat legistion&039;s vereign pow&039;rs:

fro arkg wildly-scatt&039;red flow&039;rs,

as on the banks of ayr i stray&039;d,

and sgg, lone, the lg&039;rg hours,

i shelter thy honour&039;d shade


