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les on etg with lord daer 注释标题 at the hoe of profesr dugald stewart

this wot ye all who it ncerns,

i, rhyr rob, alias burns,

october enty-third,

a ne&039;er-to-be-fotten day,

sae far i sprackl&039;d up the brae,

i dner&039;d wi&039; a lord

i&039;ve been at drucken writers&039; feasts,

nay, been bitch-fou &039;ang godly priests—

wi&039; rev&039;rence be it spoken!—

i&039;ve even jo&039;d the honour&039;d joru,

when ighty sireships of the oru,

their hydra drouth did sloken

but wi&039; a lord!—stand out y sh,

a lord—a peer—an earl&039;s n!

up higher yet, y bon

an&039; sic a lord!—ng sth ells a,

our peera he o&039;erlooks the a&039;,

as i look o&039;er y n

but o for hogarth&039;s agic pow&039;r!

to show sir bardie&039;s willyart glow&039;r,

an&039; how he star&039;d and star&039;d,

when, goav, as if led wi&039; branks,

an&039; stup on his ploughan shanks,

he the parlour har&039;d

i sidyg shelter&039;d a nook,

an&039; at his lordship steal&039;t a look,

like portento on;

except good sense and cial glee,

an&039; (what surpris&039;d ) odesty,

i arked nought unon

i watch&039;d the syptos o&039; the great,

the ntle pride, the lordly state,

the arrogant assug;

the fient a pride, nae pride had he,

nor sauce, nor state, that i uld see,

air than an honest ploughan

then fro his lordship i shall learn,

henceforth to et with unncern

one rank as weel&039;s another;

nae honest, worthy an need care

to et with noble youthful daer,

for he but ets a brother


