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the calf

to the rev jas steven, on his text, achi, ch iv vers 2 “and ye shall go forth, and grow up, as calves of the stall”

right, sir! your text i&039;ll prove it true,

tho&039; heretics ay ugh;

for stance, there&039;s yourself jt now,

god knows, an un calf

and should patron be kd,

as bless you wi&039; a kirk,

i doubt na, sir but then we&039;ll fd,

ye&039;re still as great a stirk

but, if the lover&039;s raptur&039;d hour,

shall ever be your lot,

forbid it, ev&039;ry heavenly power,

you e&039;er should be a stot!

tho&039; when kd nnubial dear

your but—and—ben adorns,

the like has been that you ay wear

a noble head of horns

and, your g, ost reverend jas,

to hear you roar and rowt,

few n o&039; sense will doubt your cis

to rank aang the nowt

and when ye&039;re nuber&039;d wi&039; the dead,

below a grassy hillock,

with jtice they ay ark your head—

“here lies a fao bullock!”


