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A B E h(1 / 1)


a bard&039;s epitaph

is there a whi-spired fool,

owre fast for thought, owre hot for rule,

owre bte to seek, owre proud to snool,

let hi draw near;

and owre this grassy heap sg dool,

and drap a tear

is there a bard of rtic ng,

who, noteless, steals the crowds aong,

that weekly this area throng,

o, pass not by!

but, with a frater-feelg strong,

here, heave a sigh

is there a an, whose judgnt clear

can others teach the urse to steer,

yet runs, hiself, life&039;s ad career,

wild as the wave,

here pae—and, thro&039; the startg tear,

survey this grave

the poor habitant below

was ick to learn the wise to know,

and keenly felt the friendly glow,

and fter f;

but thoughtless follies id hi low,

and sta&039;d his na!

reader, attend! whether thy ul

ars fancy&039;s flights beyond the pole,

or darklg grubs this earthly hole,

low pursuit:

know, prudent, cautio, self-ntrol

is wisdo&039;s root

epitaph for robert aiken, esq

know thou, o stranr to the fa

of this uch lov&039;d, uch honoured na!

(for none that knew hi need be told)

a warr heart death ne&039;er ade ld

epitaph for gav hailton, esq

the poor an weeps—here gav sleeps,

who cantg wretches b&039;d;

but with such as he, where&039;er he be,

ay i be sav&039;d or dan&039;d!


