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A D(2 / 3)


word and deed,

it&039;s no thro&039; terror of danation;

it&039;s jt a carnal clation

orality, thou deadly bane,

thy tens o&039; thoands thou hast s!

va is his hope, whase stay an&039; trt is

oral rcy, truth, and jtice!

no—stretch a pot to catch a pck:

abe a brother to his back;

steal through the nock frae a whore,

but pot the rake that taks the door;

be to the poor like ony whunstane,

and haud their noses to the grunstane;

ply ev&039;ry art o&039; legal thievg;

no atter—stick to und believg

learn three-ile pray&039;rs, an&039; half-ile graces,

wi&039; weel-spread looves, an&039; ng, wry faces;

grunt up a len, lengthen&039;d groan,

and dan a&039; parties but your own;

i&039;ll warrant they ye&039;re nae deceiver,

a steady, sturdy, staunch believer

o ye wha leave the sprgs o&039; calv,

for gulie dubs of your a delv!

ye ns of heresy and error,

ye&039;ll day seel akg terror,

when venance draws the sword wrath

and the fire throws the sheath;

when ru, with his sweepg be,

jt frets till heav&039;n ission gies hi;

while o&039;er the harp pale isery oans,

and strikes the ever-deep&039;ng tones,

still louder shrieks, and heavier groans!

your pardon, sir, for this digression:

i aist fat y dedication;

but when divity es &039;cross ,

y readers still are sure to lose

, sir, you see &039;as nae daft vapour;

but i aturely thought it proper,

when a&039; y works i did review,

to dedicate the, sir, to you:

becae (ye need na tak it ill),

i thought the thg like yoursel&039;

then patronize the wi&039; your favor,

and your petitioner shall ever—

i had aaist said, ever pray,

but that&039;s a word i need na say;

for pray, i hae little skill o&039;t,

i&039; baith


