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to gav hailton, esq, auchle,

rendg a boy

ossgaville, ay 3, 1786

i hold it, sir, y bounden duty

to warn you how that aster tootie,

alias, ird &039;gaun,

was here to hire yon d away

&039;bout who ye spak the tither day,

an&039; wad hae don&039;t aff han&039;;

but lest he learn the caln tricks—

an&039; faith i uckle doubt hi—

like scrap out auld cruie&039;s nicks,

an&039; tell lies about the;

as lieve then, i&039;d have then

your clerkship he should sair,

if sae be ye ay be

not fitted otherwhere

altho&039; i say&039;t, he&039;s gleg enough,

an&039; &039;bout a hoe that&039;s rude an&039; rough,

the boy ight learn to swear;

but then, wi&039; you, he&039;ll be sae taught,

an&039; t sic fair exaple straught,

i hae na ony fear

ye&039;ll catechise hi, every irk,

an&039; shore hi weel wi&039; hell;

an&039; gar hi follow to the kirk—

aye when ye gang yoursel

if ye then aun be then

frae ha this &039; friday,

then please, sir, to lea&039;e, sir,

the orders wi&039; your dy

y word of honour i hae gi&039;en,

paisley john&039;s, that night at e&039;en,

to et the warld&039;s wor;

to try to t the a to gree,

an&039; na the airles an&039; the fee,

legal ode an&039; for:

i ken he weel a snick can draw,

when siple bodies let hi:

an&039; if a devil be at a&039;,

faith he&039;s sure to t hi

to phrase you and praise you,

ye ken your ureat srns:

the pray&039;r still you share still

of grateful strel burns


