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to a loe, on seeg one on a dy&039;s bon, at church

ha! whaur ye gaun, ye crowl ferlie?

your ipudence protects you sairly;

i canna say but ye strunt rarely,

owre gauze and ce;

tho&039;, faith! i fear ye de but sparely

on sic a pce

ye ugly, creep, bstit wonner,

detested, shunn&039;d by saunt an&039; sner,

how daur ye set your fit upon her—

sae fe a dy?

gae where else and seek your dner

on poor body

swith! beggar&039;s haffet sattle;

there ye ay creep, and sprawl, and sprattle,

wi&039; ither kdred, jupg cattle,

shoals and nations;

whaur horn nor bane ne&039;er daur unsettle

your thick pntations

now haud you there, ye&039;re out o&039; sight,

below the fatt&039;rels, snug and tight;

na, faith ye yet! ye&039;ll no be right,

till ye&039;ve got on it—

the verra tapost, tow&039;r height

o&039; iss&039; bon

y oth! right bauld ye set your nose out,

as pp an&039; grey as ony groset:

o for rank, rcurial rozet,

or fell, red sddu,

i&039;d gie you sic a hearty dose o&039;t,

wad dress your droddu

i wad na been surpris&039;d to spy

you on an auld wife&039;s fen toy;

or aibls bit dubbie boy,

on&039;s wylieat;

but iss&039; fe nardi! fye!

how daur ye do&039;t?

o jeany, dna toss your head,

an&039; set your beauties a&039; abread!

ye little ken what cursed speed

the bstie&039;s ak:

thae ks an&039; fr-ends, i dread,

are notice tak

o wad power the giftie gie

to see oursels as ithers see !

it wad frae ony a bnder free ,

an&039; foolish notion:

what airs dress an&039; gait wad lea&039;e ,

an&039; ev&039;n devotion!


