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Th V(4 / 6)


ey bd the wild poetric ra


or pot the ncsive pa

full on the eye

“hence, fulrton, the brave and young;

hence, depster&039;s zeal-spired tongue;

hence, sweet, haronio beattie sung

his &039;strel ys&039;;

or tore, with noble ardour stung,

the sceptic&039;s bays

“to lower orders are assign&039;d

the hubler ranks of huan-kd,

the rtic bard, the b&039;rg hd,

the artisan;

all choose, as vario they&039;re cl&039;d,

the vario an

“when yellow waves the heavy gra,

the threat&039;ng stor strongly re;

teach to liorate the p

with til-skill;

and struct the shepherd-tra,

blythe o&039;er the hill

“ ht the lover&039;s harless wile;

grace the aiden&039;s artless sile;

othe the b&039;rer&039;s weary toil

for huble gas,

and ake his tta-scenes beguile

his cares and pas

“, bounded to a district-space

explore at r an&039;s fant race,

to ark the ebryotic trace

of rtic bard;

and careful note each openg grace,

a guide and guard

“of these a i—i y na:

and this district as e i ci,

where once the capbells, chiefs of fa,

held rulg power:

i ark&039;d thy ebryo-tuneful f,

thy natal hour

“with future hope i oft would gaze

fond, on thy little early ways,

thy rudely, caroll&039;d, chig phrase,

unuth rhys;

fir&039;d at the siple, artless ys

of other tis

“i saw thee seek the undg shore,

delighted with the dashg roar;

or when the north his fleecy store

drove thro&039; the sky,

i saw gri nature&039;s visa hoar

struck thy young eye

“or when the deep green-antled earth

war cherish&039;d ev&039;ry floweret&039;s birth,

and joy and ic pourg forth

ev&039;ry grove;

i saw thee eye the neral irth

with boundless lov


