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the ordation

for sense they little owe to frugal heav&039;n—

to please the ob, they hide the little giv&039;n

kilarnock wabsters, fid an&039; cw,

an&039; pour your creeshie nations;

an&039; ye wha leather rax an&039; draw,

of a&039; denoations;

swith to the ligh kirk, ane an&039; a&039;

an&039; there tak up your stations;

then aff to begbie&039;s a raw,

an&039; pour dive libations

for joy this day

curst on-sense, that ip o&039; hell,

ca wi&039; aggie uder;

but oliphant aft ade her yell,

an&039; rsell sair isca&039;d her:

this day acky taks the fil,

an&039; he&039;s the boy will bud her!

he&039;ll cp a shangan on her tail,

an&039; set the bairns to daud her

wi&039; dirt this day

ak haste an&039; turn kg david owre,

and lilt wi&039; holy cngor;

o&039; double verse e gie four,

an&039; skirl up the bangor:

this day the kirk kicks up a stoure;

nae air the knaves shall wrang her,

for heresy is her pow&039;r,

and glorioly she&039;ll whang her

wi&039; pith this day

e, let a proper text be read,

an&039; touch it aff wi&039; vigour,

how graceless ha leugh at his dad,

which ade canaan a nigr;

or pheas drove the urderg bde,

wi&039; whore-abhorrg rigour;

or zipporah, the scauld jad,

was like a bidy tir

i&039; th&039; n that day

there, try his ttle on the creed,

an&039; bd hi down wi&039; caution,

that stipend is a carnal weed

he taks by for the fashion;

and gie hi o&039;er the flock, to feed,

and punish each transgression;

especial, ras that cross the breed,

gie the sufficient thresh;

spare the nae day

now, auld kilarnock, ck thy tail,

an&039; toss thy horns fu&039; canty;

nae air thou&039;lt rowt out-owre the dale,



