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Th J B : A C(2 / 8)


, y bottle, and y callet,

as when i ed scarlet to follow a dru

what tho&039; with hoary locks, i t stand the ter shocks,

beneath the woods and rocks oftentis for a ho,

when the t&039;other bag i sell, and the t&039;other bottle tell,

i uld et a troop of hell, at the und of a dru


he ended; and the kebars sheuk,

aboon the chor roar;

while frighted rattons backward leuk,

an&039; seek the benost bore:

a fairy fiddler frae the neuk,

he skirl&039;d out, enre!

but up arose the artial chuck,

an&039; id the loud uproar


tune—“dr ddie”

i once was a aid, tho&039; i cannot tell when,

and still y delight is proper young n;

one of a troop of dragoons was y daddie,

no wonder i&039; fond of a dr ddie,

sg, l de l, c

the first of y loves was a swagrg bde,

to rattle the thunderg dru was his trade;

his leg was tight, and his cheek was ruddy,

transported i was with y dr ddie

but the godly old chap left hi the rch;

the sword i forok for the sake of the church:

he ventur&039;d the ul, and i risked the body,

&039;as then i proved false to y dr ddie

full on i grew sick of y sanctified t,

the regint at r for a hband i got;

fro the gilded spontoon to the fife i was ready,

i asked no ore but a dr ddie

but the peace it reduc&039;d to beg despair,

till i t old boy a cunngha fair,

his rags regintal, they ftter&039;d gaudy,

y heart it rejoic&039;d at a dr ddie

and now i have liv&039;d—i know not how long,

and still i can jo a cup and a ng;

but whilst with both hands i can hold the gss steady,

here&039;s to thee, y hero, y dr ddie


poor rry-andrew, the neuk,

sat guzzlg wi&039; a tkler-hizzie;

they d&039;t na wha the chor teuk,

beeen theselves they


