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we&039;ll sg auld i&039;s ps an&039; fells,

her oors red-brown wi&039; heather bells,

her banks an&039; braes, her dens and dells,

whare glorio walce

aft bure the gree, as story tells,

frae suthron billies

at walce&039; na, what sttish blood

but boils up a sprg-tide flood!

oft have our fearless fathers strode

by walce&039; side,

still pressg onward, red-wat-shod,

or glorio died!

o, sweet are i&039;s haughs an&039; woods,

when lhites chant aang the buds,

and jk hares, aoro whids,

their loves enjoy;

while thro&039; the braes the chat croods

with wailfu&039; cry!

ev&039;n ter bleak has chars to ,

when ds rave thro&039; the naked tree;

or frosts on hills of ochiltree

are hoary gray;

or bldg drifts wild-furio flee,

dark&039;ng the day!

o nature! a&039; thy shews an&039; fors

to feelg, pensive hearts hae chars!

whether the sur kdly wars,

wi&039; life an light;

or ter howls, gty stors,

the ng, dark night!

the e, nae poet ever fand her,

till by hisel he learn&039;d to wander,

adown trott burn&039;s ander,

an&039; no thk ng:

o sweet to stray, an&039; pensive ponder

a heart-felt sang!

the war&039;ly race ay drud an&039; drive,

hog-shouther, jundie, stretch, an&039; strive;

let fair nature&039;s face descrive,

and i, wi&039; pleasure,

shall let the by, grublg hive

bu owre their treasure

fareweel, “y rhy-posg” brither!

we&039;ve been owre ng unkenn&039;d to ither:

now let y our heads thegither,

love fraternal:

ay envy wallop a tether,

bck fiend, fernal!

while highndn hate tools an&039; taxes;

while oorn&039;s herds like guid, fat braxies;

while terra fira, on her axis,

diurnal turns;

unt on a friend, faith an&039


