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S E T J L(2 / 3)


39; i should beg

wi&039; lyart pow,

i&039;ll ugh an&039; sg, an&039; shake y leg,

as ng&039;s i dow!

now es the sax-an&039;-entieth sir

i&039;ve seen the bud upon the tir,

still persecuted by the lir

frae year to year;

but yet, despite the kittle kir,

i, rob, a here

do ye envy the city nt,

beht a kist to lie an&039; sklent;

or pursue-proud, big wi&039; cent per cent

an&039; uckle wa,

bit brugh to represent

a bailie&039;s na?

or is&039;t the paughty, feudal thane,

wi&039; ruffl&039;d sark an&039; gncg cane,

wha thks hisel nae sheep-shank bane,

but lordly stalks;

while caps and bons aff are taen,

as by he walks?

“o thou wha gies each guid gift!

gie o&039; wit an&039; sense a lift,

then turn , if thou please, adrift,

thro&039; stnd wide;

wi&039; cits nor irds i wadna shift,

a&039; their pride!”

were this the charter of our state,

“on pa o&039; hell be rich an&039; great,”

danation then would be our fate,

beyond read;

but, thanks to heaven, that&039;s no the gate

we learn our creed

for th the royal andate ran,

when first the huan race began;

“the cial, friendly, honest an,

whate&039;er he be—

&039;tis he fulfils great nature&039;s pn,

and none but he”

o andate glorio and dive!

the ragd followers o&039; the ne,

poor, thoughtless devils! yet ay she

glorio light,

while rdid ns o&039; aon&039;s le

are dark as night!

tho&039; here they scrape, an&039; seeze, an&039; growl,

their worthless nievefu&039; of a ul

ay future carcase howl,

the forest&039;s fright;

or day-detestg owl

ay shun the light

then ay praik and burns arise,

to reach their native, kdred skies,

and sg their pleasures, hopes an&039; j


