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tarbolton sses, the

if ye gae up to yon hill-tap,

ye&039;ll there see bonie peggy;

she kens her father is a ird,

and she foroth&039;s a leddy

there phy tight, a ssie bright,

besides a hand fortune:

wha canna her a night,

has little art urt&039;

gae down by faile, and taste the ale,

and tak a look o&039; ysie;

she&039;s dour and d, a deil with,

but aibls she ay please ye

if she be shy, her sister try,

ye&039;ll aybe fancy jenny;

if ye&039;ll dispense wi&039; want o&039; sense—

she kens hersel she&039;s bonie

as ye gae up by yon hillside,

speir for bonie bessy;

she&039;ll gie ye a beck, and bid ye light,

and handly address ye

there&039;s few sae bonie, nane sae guid,

a&039; kg e&039; doion;

if ye should doubt the truth o&039; this—

it&039;s bessy&039;s a opion!

ah, woe is , y other dear

paraphrase of jereiah, 15th chap, 10th verse

ah, woe is , y other dear!

a an of strife ye&039;ve born :

for sair ntention i aun bear;

they hate, revile, and srn

i ne&039;er uld lend on bill or band,

that five per cent ight blest ;

and borrog, on the tither hand,

the deil a ane wad trt

yet i, a -denied wight,

by fortune ite discarded;

ye see how i a, day and night,

by d and ss bckguarded!


